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  1. Creation of Liberal Media Bias - Jonathan Pryor's web log
    1. Creation of Liberal Media Bias

Creation of Liberal Media Bias - Jonathan Pryor's web log

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Creation of Liberal Media Bias

With additional studies showing media bias (via Instapundit), it might be interesting to know how the liberal media evolved, through simple economics (via Instapundit).

Summary: cities require a working government to operate (for sewers, water, trash, etc.), while the countryside doesn't (septic tanks, wells, and burning trash as equivalents that cities can't use, though pollution of various forms can make wells and burning trash impractical). Since people in cities have a more favorable view of the government, any newspapers based in cities will also have a more favorable view of government. Since it's easier to sell papers in big cities, newspapers & other media in cities grow larger and more powerful compared to more newspapers in rural areas.

Interesting read.

Posted on 21 Dec 2005 | Path: /etc/ | Permalink
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